
LB Recordings 08 LP by Limewax

  • Label: LB Recordings
  • Title: Empfindsamer Stil
  • Reference: LB Recordings 08 LP
  • Format: 3x12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: DRUM & BASS, Experimental Drumstep
  • Weight: 0.75
  • Release date: 04/09/2011
  • Catalog entry: 04/09/2011
  • Average rating:
  • This records is a second hand. Condition: Good (Looks used And Sounds no clics for more than 80% of the plate)

LB Recordings 08 LP review

Experimental drum & bass, drumstep. Notice a Portrait Of A Dead remix with that WOOOOOH tune... Fat stuff. Very original, not for all hands... A real album.

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