
BRK CD 11 by Company Fuck, Maxi Bacon, Digital Thunder, Computer Truck, Anklepants, Foxdye, Santisima Virgen Maria, Ralph Brown, Ghettoscraper, Borovik Eralash

  • Label: BRK
  • Title: 100% Solid Gold Fucking
  • Reference: BRK CD 11
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Breakcore Hardcore
  • Style: Speedcore, dirty techno, Happy Indus
  • Weight: 0.10
  • Release date: 08/17/2014
  • Catalog entry: 08/17/2014
  • Average rating:

BRK CD 11 review

Fucked up styles from house to Speedcore... Totally crazy shit ! Pushing the limits over and over ! Pityless killstyle cut ups !

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