
Ozore Age 2XEP 03 by Jamalski, Capital J, Soper, Dj Simon, Future Prophecies, Kantyze

  • Label: Ozore age
  • Title: Ruffnecks Revenge
  • Reference: Ozore Age 2XEP 03
  • Format: 2xEP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: DRUM & BASS
  • Weight: 0.40
  • Release date: 10/21/2005
  • Catalog entry: 06/01/2024
  • Average rating:

Ozore Age 2XEP 03 review

Loud UK Drum & Bass and Roots Ragga Jungle. Masterpiece for Master Peace Jamasky ! Mastering is louder than ever... The sleeve is wicked ! Enjoy the little Jamaksy special speech bonus on track 5...

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Customers reviews

Ken Graveline , 03/31/2006

Très très bon skeud... DnB à mort avec une touche d'énervement avec des toasts bien placés et bien revandicateurs !

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