
Deep Medi Musik LP 17 by Chad Dubz, Bozanna Evans, Warrior Queen, D-Los, Logan, Riko Dan, Killa P, Magugu

  • Label: Deep Medi Musik
  • Title: Universal Vibrations
  • Reference: Deep Medi Musik LP 17
  • Format: 2x12"
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Bass dubstep grime
  • Style: Dubstep
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 08/26/2022
  • Catalog entry: 08/26/2022
  • Average rating:

Deep Medi Musik LP 17 review

Universal Vibrations is my most personal project to date. I came back from a month long trip to Brazil feeling very inspired during the start of lockdown and decided to experiment with some slower BPMs for the first time after producing dubstep for the last 15 years. This album is the result. One tune came flying out after the other during a crazily productive 2 month period. I was so happy with the beats I thought I'd get some of my favourite MCs on board so spent the next 8 months organizing and mixing down the vocal features. It all happened very naturally and very quickly, it was just waiting to pop out! To say I'm proud of this album is an understatement. 2 years in the making, I can't wait for you all to hear it! Love Chad _3

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