
Future Exposed Tome 1 by Samuel Verstraete (Dessin), Mem Pamal, Cyberskum, Midi Link, Les Trolls, Pushy!, WYL RCA, Arobass, Caterva, Mylis, Maelstrom, Abraxxxas, Feud'jay, Understax, Lôan, Otisto 23, Kronik Spasme, Motif-R, Tetaar

  • Label: IOT Records
  • Title: Future Exposed Tome 1
  • Reference: Future Exposed Tome 1
  • Format: CD Book
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Comics & books
  • Style: Manga Music
  • Weight: 0.28
  • Release date: 01/12/2008
  • Catalog entry: 01/12/2008
  • Average rating:

Future Exposed Tome 1 review

A 60 pages full color manga by Hyst (aka S. Verstraete), and vocals from story from Abraxxxas (Gab) and Audictive (Aymeric).... A CD from various Free Minded artists. Everything is there for a pure travel into the Si-Fi world on Hecaton... Year 2070. Where 2 twins brothers 'Ethan' the Gangster and ' Demian' the Hacker plays Hyde & Sick with the Techno-Government. Tjhisd project tooks 2 years to come out. All the I.O.T. Familly and surroundings took part in it. A very important project and a beautyfull subject ! ENJOY !

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