
Melting Metals 01 by WIN, Kvasir, Zoferos

  • Label: Melting Metals
  • Title: Melting Metals 01
  • Reference: Melting Metals 01
  • Format: 12"
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Tribe, Freetekno, Ambient; Hardfloor
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 12/19/2022
  • Catalog entry: 12/19/2022
  • Average rating:

Melting Metals 01 review

A long side from Win in his Hardfloor kick-changes psychedelic roughtness...
A Kvasir kind of same vibe thick fat kicker... (dare playing it at 45 : you will get an Enrbyoneer feeling)
Extra one is Pijlen and a lightspeed driver psychedelic 70's synths sound...
A1 here is the last you can listen, probably because it's a short tune (2min) and not a bad one... Ambient intro to place some XP in this already quiet XP record :)


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Customers reviews

Jujuoxo , 01/09/2023

Excellent disque.
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