
Frenchcore Worldwide LP 02 by Dr Peacock, Creeds, Helen Ka, Steen, JKLL, The Prophet, Hélène Vogelsinger, Mat Weasel, Neika, Mr. Ivex, Hellcreator

  • Label: Frenchcore Worldwide
  • Title: The Doc's Experiment
  • Reference: Frenchcore Worldwide LP 02
  • Format: 2x12" LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Frenchcore, Hardcore, Gabber
  • Weight: 0.48
  • Release date: 03/21/2024
  • Catalog entry: 03/21/2024
  • Average rating:

Frenchcore Worldwide LP 02 review

The Dr. Peacock frenchcore friends ! A full collab album with crazy musician like Creeds, Mat Weasel, JKLL, Ivex... running up to Hellcreator for more speed !

A must have for any Frenchcore lover !!

Tracks list

  • 41967-01
    A1 - Dr. Peacock & Creeds & Helen Ka - We Are All Sleeping
  • 41967-02
    A2 - Dr. Peacock & Steen - Trippie Naar De Klote
  • 41967-03
    A3 - Dr. Peacock & JKLL - Warriors Of Valhalla
  • 41967-04
    B1 - Dr. Peacock & The Prophet - Killing No More
  • 41967-05
    B2 - Dr. Peacock & Hélène Vogelsinger - Cognitive Dissonance
  • 41967-06
    B3 - Dr. Peacock & Mat Weasel & Neika - Black Gold Edit
  • 41967-07
    C1 - Dr. Peacock & Mr. Ivex - Voice of the Void
  • 41967-08
    C2 - I Will Find You
  • 41967-09
    D1 - Swallow It
  • 41967-10
    D2 - Dr. Peacock & Hellcreator - Untold Prophecy
  • 41967Add all tracks to a playlist

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