
Mirex C8 by Slepcy, Terminal 11, Drop The Lime, Rotator, Jason Forrest, Duran Duran Duran, Droon, Sickboy, Repeater, Bass Force One, Curtis Chip, Pure, Noize Creator, Geroyche, Society Suckers, Shitmat

  • Label: Mirex
  • Title: WASTED
  • Reference: Mirex c8
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: IDM Core
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 02/11/2005
  • Catalog entry: 06/17/2005
  • Average rating:

Mirex C8 review

2The compilation out from the Wasted party : 2 Night of Breakcore in Berlin on the 4th and 5th of february 05. Notice this is Cock Rock Disco 05 as well as Mirex C8.

Tracks list

  • 1972-1
    Track 1 - We are the newest battle models by Specy
  • 1972-2
    Track 3 - Do It Now Kill by Drop the Lime
  • 1972-3
    Track 04 - Pump Diz Party by Rotator
  • 1972-4
    Track 6 - A God Among Men by Duran Duran Duran
  • 1972-5
    Track 7 - Fuck the Underground by Droon
  • 1972-6
    Track 10 - More Violence by Bass Force One
  • 1972-7
    Track Fight'Em by PURE
  • 1972-8
    Track 13 - Dying World by Noize Creator
  • 1972-9
    Track 14 - Untitled by Geryoche vs Society Suckers
  • 1972-10
    Track 15 - Insulting people is fun by Shitmat
  • 1972Add all tracks to a playlist

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